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Narcissistic traits

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Persons with narcissistic traits reflect a high sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. People who have narcissistic traits may not necessarily have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), which is a mental health condition that affects how they relate to others and themselves. Narcissistic traits can vary in severity and expression among different people. They can also change over time depending on the person’s life circumstances and experiences. 

Some of the common narcissistic traits:

  • Grandiosity: This is the belief that one is superior, special, or unique and deserves recognition and respect from others. People with this trait may exaggerate their achievements, talents, or appearance and expect others to admire them.
  • Entitlement: This is the expectation that one should receive special treatment, favors, or privileges from others without reciprocating or being grateful. People with this trait may demand that others do what they want or comply with their wishes without question.
  • Exploitativeness: This is the tendency to take advantage of others for one’s own benefit or gain. People with this trait may use others as a means to an end, manipulate them, or disregard their feelings and needs.
  • Lack of empathy: This is the inability or unwillingness to recognize and care about the emotions, thoughts, and experiences of others. People with this trait may be indifferent, insensitive, or cruel to others and show no remorse or guilt for their actions.
  • Envy: This is the feeling of resentment or anger towards others who have something that one desires or perceives as better than one’s own. People with this trait may also believe that others are envious of them and try to undermine their success or happiness.
  • Arrogance: This is the attitude of superiority, contempt, or disdain towards others who are seen as inferior, unworthy, or insignificant. People with this trait may be rude, boastful, or condescending and try to belittle or humiliate others.

Narcissistic traits can be expressed in different ways depending on the context and the person’s personality. Some people may display overt narcissism, which is more obvious and visible to others. They may act in a flamboyant, dominant, or aggressive manner and seek attention and admiration from others. Others may display covert narcissism, which is more subtle and hidden from others. They may act in shy, insecure, or passive-aggressive manner and seek validation and sympathy from others.


Narcissistic traits can have negative effects on one’s personal and professional life. They can cause problems in relationships, work, school, or finances. They can also lead to low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, anger, or loneliness. 

How psychotherapy could help?

People with narcissistic traits may benefit from psychotherapy which can help them improve their self-awareness and empathy, understand their behavior patterns, identify their dominant schemas, develop and strengthen their healthy adult mode.