Healthy Modes

Online psychotherapy

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Category: psychotherapy, online psychotherapy

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  • Achieving your goals

    Achieving goals is a process that requires planning, action, and perseverance. Here are some tips that can help you achieve your goal: I hope these tips will help you achieve your goal. Remember that achieving goals is not something that happens overnight, but rather a journey that requires dedication, patience, and persistence. You have the… Read more

  • Spoiled child mode

    The spoiled child mode is a part of you that is used to getting whatever you want and whenever you want. When this mode is activated, you may act selfishly, entitled, or unreasonably demanding without appreciating the value of what you have or the effort of others. For example, a person who was overindulged or… Read more

  • Emotional eating

    Emotional eating is a common phenomenon that involves eating for reasons other than physical hunger, such as stress, boredom, sadness, or anger. Emotional eating can have negative consequences for your health, weight, and well-being. It can also make you feel worse about yourself and your emotions. There are many ways to cope with emotional eating… Read more

  • Undisciplined child mode

    Your undisciplined child mode is a part of you that acts on your non-core desires or impulses without regard for the consequences or the needs of others. However, it may be harmful in other situations, such as when you need to be responsible, respectful, or cooperative. If your undisciplined child mode is mostly harmful, you… Read more

  • Mood diary

    A mood diary is a tool that can help you track your moods and emotions over time. It can also help you identify the patterns, triggers, and coping strategies that affect your mental health and well-being. A mood diary can be useful for anyone who wants to improve their self-awareness and emotional regulation, especially for… Read more

  • Low mood

    Low mood is a term that describes a state of feeling sad, anxious, low self-esteem, tired, and frustrated. It is normal to experience low mood from time to time, especially after stressful or upsetting events. However, if low mood persists for a long time and affects your daily life, it may be a sign of… Read more

  • Assertive communication

    Assertive communication is a way of expressing your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a clear and respectful manner. It can help you communicate effectively with others, while also respecting their opinions and boundaries. Assertive communication is different from aggressive or passive communication, which can be harmful to yourself or others. Here are some examples of… Read more

  • Schema therapy session

    Schema therapy session usually lasts 50 minutes and can take different formats depending on the therapist’s style and the client’s needs. A few formats that you might encounter include: During a schema therapy session, the therapist helps the client identify their schemas and understand how they affect their thoughts, feelings and behaviors. The therapist then… Read more

  • Narcissistic traits

    Persons with narcissistic traits reflect a high sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration. People who have narcissistic traits may not necessarily have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), which is a mental health condition that affects how they relate to others and themselves. Narcissistic traits can vary in severity and expression among… Read more

  • Anxiety

    Anxiety affects a person’s daily functioning and well-being and may require professional treatment. It may have different causes such as stress, trauma, medical conditions or substance use. It can be a symptom of generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorders or phobias. Symptoms of anxiety are: Some of the possible ways to cope with anxiety are: There are… Read more