Healthy Modes

Online psychotherapy

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Category: psychotherapy, online psychotherapy

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  • Starting psychotherapy

    Psychotherapy is an approach for treating personal issues by talking with a psychotherapist. It can help you learn about your specific issues and how your thoughts, emotions and behaviors affect your moods. It can help you developing healthy ways of coping and improve life quality. To prepare for psychotherapy, you may want to consider the following… Read more

  • Healthy divorce

    A healthy divorce is a way of ending a marriage that minimizes the negative effects of the separation on the individuals and their families. It involves cooperation, communication, respect, and mediation between the spouses, as well as taking care of one’s own physical and mental well-being. Resources There are many resources you could use such… Read more

  • Healthy relationships

    Healthy relationships are important for your well-being and happiness. They can provide you with support, comfort, and joy. They can also help you grow as a person and achieve your goals. But what makes a relationship healthy? How can you tell if your relationship is good for you? There is no single answer to these… Read more

  • Core emotional needs

    Core emotional needs in schema therapy are the basic psychological and emotional requirements that every child needs to develop healthily and happily. Schema therapy aims to help people meet their core emotional needs in healthy ways by changing their schemas and coping styles. Read more

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness is the practice of gently focusing your awareness on the present moment over and over again. Mindfulness programs can help you learn how to incorporate mindfulness in your daily life and cope with various challenges. There are many simple ways to practice mindfulness. Some examples are: paying attention to your senses and the environment… Read more

  • Modes in Schema Therapy

    Modes in schema therapy are grouped into four main categories: You can also consult a therapist who specializes in schema therapy if you want to learn more about your modes and how to change them. Read more

  • Overcoming your schemas

    Schemas in schema therapy are patterns of thinking and feeling that are formed in childhood and can cause problems in adulthood if they are not addressed. Schemas are based on the idea that our core emotional needs may not have been met by our caregivers or other significant people in our lives, such as safety,… Read more

  • Happy Child Mode

    Happy child mode is one of the positive modes in schema therapy. It is a source of joy, creativity, playfulness, and spontaneity. One of the goals in schema therapy is strengthening the happy child mode. There are many activities that can activate your happy child mode. Some examples are: Read more

  • Healthy Adult Mode

    Healthy adult mode is a term used in schema therapy, which is a type of therapy that helps you identify and change negative patterns of thinking and behavior. Healthy adult mode represents your healthy, functional self that can cope with challenges and meet your needs. There is no definitive answer to how long it takes… Read more

  • Our expertise

    Professional ONLINE Practice tailored to you We have extensive professional experience in practicing psychology and psychotherapy in individual and group setting. We use different theoretical frameworks and techniques in the work with our clients. Warmth, acceptance, understanding, and empathy are foundation in our approach to our clients. Contact us : Read more